It's time for birthday cake!

We heard that you had a holiday on Friday to celebrate your city's birthday. Did you have cake?
The USA celebrates its birthday every year on July 4. I usually bake a birthday cake that looks like the American flag.
People always take a day away from work. Sometimes families begin their yearly vacations on July 4. My husband and I never go on vacation during this week. There are too many cars on the road then.
Holling would like to send you some birthday cards. You can see your cards here and here.
Have fun!
Woof, Woof and his secretary Sharon
Hello Sharon and Holling!!!
I'm Pedro's coleague!My name is Marta.
How are you Sharon?And you Holling?Fine?!
I have one turtle,one cat and two fishes.
It's to many animals!!!
How old is Holling?One, two, three years...
Kisses for you Sharon and for you Holling!!!!Marta 5D
Hi Marta,
It's nice to hear from you. You do have a lot of animals.
Holling and I are fine. It's a bit hot here for Holling now, so he sleeps most of the day. He's an old man! I think that he's around 12 years old.
Did you see the picture of the turtle at the top of the blog? Holling thought that it was the ball that he likes to chase in the yard. Ha! Ha!
If you'd like to see some pictures of Holling and read his story, you could click on Molly's blog which is on the right at the top of this blog in the Links section.
When you click on Molly's blog you will go to the blog and see the story of my other German Shepherd, Molly. There you can learn about how Holling came to live with us.
Thanks for writing to us Marta. If you'd like to practice your English please write to us again and we'll send you a message back.
A big dog kiss from Holling and lots of hugs from Sharon!
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